Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best jQuery plugins - June 2010

JcubeiT Plugin

Pretty funny one demonstrating how to build a cube using new CSS properties.
Its use is very simple, you only need 3 objects (the visible faces of the cube) inside of a DIV container. Such objects could be links, images, other divs, etc.
Try out a demo


A great option to have as a splash feature at the top of your site, highlights recent articles you want to advertise, that might have a nice graphic or even a video...basically anything you want.
Try out a demo

popeye - an inline lightbox alternative

Popeye generates an inline image gallery from an unordered list of images. The gallery features clever inline image enlargement, i.e. the enlarged image stretches out over the site content without adding a visual overlay of the whole site. It stays fixed with one edge to its original coordinates, so that a sense of cohesiveness is created in the user interface and interaction.
Try out a demo

Image Desaturate

This plugin allow you to desaturate (convert to gray) images. Support of transparent png for IE is included (not compatible with other png fix plugins).
Try out a demo

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